Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Second chemo infusion of Oxaliplatin today

By Roni

This is one of the two chemo drugs Kevin is on. The other he takes orally for 2 weeks, then has a week of rest. This one is given intravenously every three weeks. The major side affects are "pins and needles" in fingertips and in the arm that received the IV, sensitivity to cold (food and drinks have to be at room temperature or above), fatigue and sometimes nausea. So far, Kev has had very light nausea, not requiring any medication. His appetite is fair, though he mostly wants "comfort" food.

He's finding the "pins and needles," sensitivity to cold and sore throat more intense this time around. Also, his blood count had dropped to a level that's far enough below normal that they want him to come in tomorrow for a shot to treat that. Hopefully will help with fatigue.

Poor Kev, he HATES needles.

He will be working from home this week -- interspersed with naps no doubt. Last time around, the symptoms lasted about a week, and he spent quite a bit of that time in bed. He's being a non-complaining trooper. I'm giving him some extra TLC and "room service."

We met a woman today in the chemo room who is being treated for breast cancer. those drugs have the severe side affects one normally associates with chemo. Vomiting, etc. We're glad Kevin's drugs have less sever side affects. Our buddies on our online support groups remind us that drug reactions means the chemo is working! and urge Kevin to think, "Yea!, cancer cells are being killed!" whenever he feels lousy. It's a great idea, not sure it's so easy for him to implement. Helps me though! ;-) It's never fun seeing someone you care about feel lousy. At least i can bring him comfort food.

This is the last Oxaliplatin IV before the Feb. surgery, so he'll have a brief respite. He'll most likely resume the treatments once he's recovered enough from the surgery. We dream and pray for the day he'll be recovered from the surgery, through with chemo and back on his Harley! But for now, thank G-d for chocolate pudding and smashed potatoes!

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