Thursday, January 29, 2004

One Major Prayer Answered!

More to go...

The first big prayer to be answered is that our health insurance has said they will pay for my ALL of my surgery and hospital expenses in DC. We were worried about this because Dr. Sugarbaker does not take Oxford, so we would have gone to him "out of network", which meant that after paying co-pay and deductibles, the insurance would only have paid 70% of what "they" deem to be fair and reasonable. That means we could have been looking at a bill in the tens of thousands. But Baruch HaShem, that is one worry off of our plates.

What to pray for now?

1) That the ileostomy will be reversed during the surgery

2) That since the chemo, the cancer would have been reduced and the Dr. will be able to clean it all out.

3) For a quick and complete recovery

4) For G-d's shalom to be felt in a real way in our family. This cancer doesn't effect only me, but my family, Roni's family and our spiritual family.

Finally, I would like to once again thank EVERYONE! Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your fellowship. Thank you for your encouraging cards and emails. Thank you for the dinners and lunches you paid for. Thank you for the love and concern you show to Roni and me. I will never be able to repay you for all that you have done, but know this, I will repay by showing the same love and concern to others that are going through this terrible disease.

Shalom v'ahavah


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