Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Surgery update -- 5 hours in

I got my last update a bit before noon CT. The liaison told me all is fine, and that they were getting ready to remove the spleen. Five hours to get to that point! When I asked if it was going slowly because of adhesions and/or bleeding, I was told that they are being “meticulous.” Ah yes, now I remember how this goes -- vague answers to specific questions.

The important thing is that I am told all is going well, and happy news – they have cleared their way to where they can see the mesentery tumor, and they plan to remove it once they’ve taken the spleen. Yay!! Thanks for all prayers that they could get that tumor during this surgery.

I neglected to ask how much longer the surgery is expected to take, but I’m sure I would have received a vague answer anyway. If I were in the surgeon’s shoes, I wouldn’t want to commit to specifics either, so I understand. I knew this day would be all about waiting,…

Assuming that the next update they give me doesn’t contain any surprising news, I’ll wait until the procedure is over and I’ve talked to the doc before I post again.

Thanks for all the emails and voice mails. It really helps me to know that despite sitting alone in a waiting room in Omaha, I’m not alone at all. You people are the best!



  1. Roni-We've never met or spoken, but know we are thinking of you and Kevin from Wisconsin. My fiance is meeting with Dr. L next Monday. You guys have been on my mind all day. Praying for the best!!

    ~Kira Nicole

  2. Roni, I'm sitting hre waiting for developments; you and Kevin are in my thoughts constantly today.
    David C.

  3. I'm up at 3am and saying a prayer re. the platelets.

  4. Thanks for keeping us updated. I've been keeping the screen open and thinking all the best thoughts for you, Kevin and the medical team!

  5. I would hate the NG tube. Well, it seems it's after 2pm in the afternoon so Kevin must be out of surgery by now.

  6. Thanks for the update Sis.
