Monday, January 03, 2005

Update on Josh

As some of you may remember, one of our fellow cancer fighters passed away last year. His name was Josh Allen and he was diagnosed with the same cancer that I had. Needless to say, we were all shocked. If you had put the two of us side by side and asked which one would likely survive, you would have guessed Josh.

Well, as it turns out, he did NOT have the same type of cancer I did. His family had an autopsy done and discovered that his type of cancer was linitas plastica. From what I understand, the type of cancer cells are similar, but his originated in the stomach instead of the appendix (like mine did). This type of cancer is very fatal and it turns out that he lived much longer than he should have. Just another testament to the fight he gave.

You can read more about his updated diagnosis on his sister's blog.

Please continue to keep his family in your prayers.

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