When we met with my oncologist last week, and discussed starting chemo again, he made an "aside" comment and said, "Stay off the bike." I didn't say it out loud, but the thought that went though my mind was, "Yeah... that's not going to happen."
I think some doctors think it is their job to keep you alive as long as possible, regardless of your desire to live life. While I respect what he meant, that is one piece of advice I am not going to take. Let me tell you why...
I ride because it makes me feel free.
I ride because instead of being surrounded by metal and glass, I am surrounded by nature.
I ride because I can smell the fresh air. Feel the wind in my face. Feel the warmth of the sunshine.
I ride because I have an unobstructed view of birds flying. Of deer and geese on the side of the road. Of trees, grass and wild flowers. Of a beautiful sunset.
I ride because of the camaraderie of other bikers. Of being able to strike up a conversation with a total stranger who understands without having to have it explained.
I ride for the simple joy of giving the "biker wave" to fellow bikers going in the opposite direction and being given the "wave" back.
I ride because I love seeing the smile on little kids faces as they look at me and wave frantically to get my attention.
I ride for the adventure. For the joy it gives me.
I ride to see new places. Small towns. Creeks and rivers. Forests and trees. Open plains.
I ride because in a strange way, it makes me feel nearer to G-d.
I ride to feel alive.
For some people, an explanation of why I ride is impossible to comprehend. For those who ride, an explanation isn't necessary.