Thursday, March 11, 2010

Good News and Bad News

Unfortunately, the Bad News is badder than the Good News is gooder.

First the good news. I don't have to have another surgery. No GoLytely. No IVs. No NG tubes. No drains. No "other things" that makes surgery and recovery, shall we say, unpleasant.

Now the bad news.We heard back from the doctor in Omaha concerning my recent CT scan and it looks like there are new spots of cancer. 2 in the lungs. Recurrence in the splenic bed (where my spleen used to be), and the tumor on the mesantary is enlarged. That means that the treatment that I had before, both the chemo and the radiation didn't do a lot of good. Probably the thing that hit us the hardest was when the doctor said the Signet Ring cells were starting to act like Signet Ring cells. For those of you that don't know, Signet Ring cells are the most aggressive cells of PMP. I have had them from the beginning (over 6 years ago), and the doctors have been amazed that I was still around. That means that for some reason, they weren't acting like the normally do. But, now they are.

So, with the new tumors, surgery isn't really an option as the doctor would not be able to do a complete cydoreduction (i.e. remove all the tumor). This leaves us with two options. 1) Do nothing and just watch and wait. Enjoy life and try to get in as much "living" as possible before the symptoms start becoming too bad. Or 2) try more chemotherapy and biological agents. There is one "cocktail" I have not had which is a combination of Irinotecan (chemo) and Erbitux (bilogical - not chemo), which may help keep the tumors at bay. We know they will not kill the cancer, all we would be able to hope for is that it would keep the cancer from growing. However, we would have no idea how long it would be effective. Also, we don't know how it would effect my quality of life. Would it drain my energy? Would it keep me from being able to travel, or ride my Harley? If so, would it be worth it to go through all of that just to be "house ridden" for who knows how long?

Lots of questions, not many answers right now.

The news hit us both pretty hard, especially as it was the news that we were hoping NOT to get.

Roni and I have been married for over 18 years, and we often talked about visiting Australia for our 20th anniversary so I could show Roni where I lived over there. We are currently considering making that trip this year. Maybe in April or May. If we go, we will fly to Brisbane and rent a car and drive north to Charters Towers. It would be good to see some of my friends from my high school days, and see how much things have changed, or stayed the same since I left. If we make the trip, we will be sure to keep everyone updated, and will be sure to take A LOT of pictures.

I am sorry to even have to bring you this news about my cancer, but knew eventually I would have to post something like this. We appreciate your prayers and know that G-d will be with us during this leg of the journey as He has been all along. We don't know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future.

I'll write more later, but for now, at least we have one more day...


  1. Kevin, I'm extremely sorry to hear this and hope these other treatments you're exploring are successful.

  2. Kevin, you and Roni have dealt with so much. I'm really sorry that you have one more gauntlet in your path. Please know that you both are in my prayers.

  3. Kev, I am sorry to hear the news. I will keep you and Roni in my prayers.

  4. don't ever worry about sharing your news with us, good or bad. your friends and family are here for you. we are confident God has His hand in this and on you. there is no guarantee of tomorrow for any of us. i am motivated by your courage to leave my small worries at God's feet and LIVE! thank you for sharing with us.

    we love you and are praying for you


  5. Kevin,
    I'm so sorry to hear this news. I was hoping and praying that the radiation had worked.
    Rosemary Stinneford

  6. Kevin and Roni, I, too, am so sorry to hear this...yet also encouraged that you seem to grasp living in the moment...much better than most...It's all any of us have even without cancer, right? Your strength and humor and edurance has encouraged me more than you may ever have known. Thank you. Prayers for you, both, and endless wonderful "moments" still to be had!

  7. Dear, dear Kevin,
    You wrote some very wise, encouraging things when I was going through this horrible disease as my Mom's caregiver, and whenever I read your comments I always felt better. Wish I could return the favor but all I can say is I'm thinking of you and Roni and sending prayers and some good ole' Southern California Good Thoughts to you...


  8. Sorry to hear about the news ,Hang in there Kevin thoughts and prayer sent

  9. Kevin,
    I'm so sorry to hear this news. My best thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Australia does sound like a great idea. Get away from doctors for awhile.

  10. "watch and wait"?!

    You know that I don't believe in 'waiting'...! DO!! Act!! FIGHT ON!



  11. Dear Kevin,

    I am so very sad to hear this news! You will continue to be in my prayers and so will Roni!


  12. Kevin, I'm so sorry to hear of your news. I saw your post and the link to your blog on the PMP board. My husband was diagnosed with PMP in January and is having his MOAS surgery on Monday. The doctor says its very advanced so we don't know what to expect.

    I know that God has his hand on your and your wife's life, and on ours. I'm constantly amazed how, even in the middle of heartbreak, tears, anxiety and more heartbreak, God constantly reminds us of His presence in our lives, and whenever we have a need, it is filled, without us ever asking.

    Thank you for sharing, Kevin. The song you quoted in this post is one of my lifetime favorites so I looked for it on YouTube :-) While my musical tastes may have changed over the years, God still uses these words to speak to my heart. We don't know what tomorrow holds, but we know who holds tomorrow, and we know He holds our hand.

    I'm praying for you and Roni. Please pray for us as well.

    God bless us all,
    ~ Keren

  13. Kev,

    I'm so sorry to hear this news. You have demonstrated an uncommon courage over the past 6 years that I admire very much. You will be in my thoughts and prayers every day. I've wanted to go to Australia since I was 12 years old. I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures! As we said in Iraq, "Drive it like you stole it!" Cheers, Phil K.

  14. Hi Kevin,

    Wendy and I were deeply saddened by the latest news, but we are so honored to be a part of this journey with you. Thanks for your continual posts. You and Roni are definitely in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if you'd like to get together and do some hangin.
    Much love,
    Billy and Wendy

  15. Dear Kevin and Roni,
    This blog is a reminder to us of how God has fortified you throughout these last 6 years. You both are amazing. Please know you will continually be in my prayers. I think Australia is a great idea! In His love and service, Eloise Brumage

  16. Sorry to hear this news - thinking of you

  17. Dear Kevin,
    You and Roni have always managed to find away to see the half-full aspect of the glass! I am sure you will find a way to make peace with this final judgemnt from Dr. Loggie, and you will turn this into a new adventure!
    We all die, my dear! But we don’t all live while we can!

    Here’s to living to the fullest! To making good on your promises to Roni! To taking pride in the life you are LIVING!

    With much love and peace to you and Roni,

  18. Kevin,
    We can all only hope for the best life possible. Sending you much love and light. Live your life to the fullest and love as much as you can!!! Carmen (NYCHOG)

  19. Kevin and Roni,

    I was saddened to read your latest news. You both have been strong fighters in this so far 6-year battle, and I hope and pray you will remain so. I would hate to have to face the decision-making that you do, but I know for sure that I would create and immediately start checking things off my bucket list. The Australia trip sounds like the perfect first bullet on the list. Please know that I will be thinking of you two.

  20. Yeah... what Dwayne said! I ditto that.

    Your sis, Kathy

  21. Kevin,
    You and Roni are the strongest people I know and a total What better way to present a positive image than in a section devoted to business aviation inspiration for anyone reading your blog. Good news or Bad you guys are always up for the fight! Congratulations on your 18 years of marriage Mazel Tov, and I totally hope you go to Australia and have a fabulous time! With the Passover and Easter seasons almost here, its the perfect time for being liberated in spirit and looking ahead.


  22. Hey Kevin and Roni,
    So sorry you have to deal with these options, and again you model for us all in dealing with it.
    So, it's been 4 years that I have been reading your comments; you have 2-1/2 years on me and you used that wisdom you gained to help those that joined you on this road, among others, I am sure. I continue to be grateful for that wisdom and am reminded again of the need to pass it along... and I am sending prayers and love and hugs, as well as requests for those Australia pics!
    Granny Franny (pmpbb)

  23. I would be terrified if I was a signet cell in a tough bloke like you!
