Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Faith and Hope

Roni here.

Talking to the doctor yesterday was deflating, to say the least. But with help from wise words from our rabbi, encouraging words from friends, and perspective that comes with prayer, I am feeling hopeful and remembering that doctors can only give us their best guesses and, as scientists, don't factor in divine intervention. And I have learned through this journey that that is a very incomplete way to look at things.

We remind ourselves that thus far, we have heard just one doctor's opinion, and we have already contacted a surgeon in NE who, when we consulted him last winter, seemed to think that when the time was right he could perform a preemptive, curative surgery. So, we are in the process of lining up a second opnion consult with him.

We've been remembering how when Kevin was first diagnosed 5 years ago G-d led us, through a series of coincidences that are better explained as "divine intervention," away from the doctors who did not have hope for him to the one who was willing to take Kevin's case. And how even that doctor was amazed at the outcome calling Kevin "miracle man." When the oncologist reviewed Kevin's chart with us prior to Kevin's discharge afer the MOAS*, he looked up after reading the medical history and sequence of events, looked us both in the eyes and said, "I hope you believe in G-d." We did and do! We know that it's doctors' jobs to approach things as scientists dealing with odds and probable outcomes, but Kevin has already beat odds of 95% against. So, we will continue to seek the right doctor(s) while putting our trust in G-d.

And as always, we are grateful for all prayers and words of support. We are blessed to have so many caring people in our lives.

*Mother of all surgeries


  1. Great words Roni. Your perspective and hope are encouraging. I know you are seeing our Lord in ways others never will. Hang in there!

  2. Kevin,
    Sounds like we are in a similar boat. Don't stop turning over stones ... there is plenty of hope - keep on looking.
    You have beat the odds before and you can do it again. I plan to.
    Many many hugs to you and Roni
