Monday, February 19, 2007

3 Years & 1 Day Post Op

On Feb 18th, 2004 I spent 10 hours under anesthesia while Dr. Sugarbaker sliced me open, dug around in my innerds looking for the cancer cells that had been threatening my life, and poured chemo into my abdomen.

Sometimes it seems like that part of my life never happened, mainly because I was hopped up on pain meds at the time and don't remember a lot of what happened. :-) So, every year around this time, I read back through this blog and remind myself of where I was, and what has happened to me since then. I guess the fact that it seems like a whole different life is a good thing, but I think it's also good to remember so that I never become complacent with what I have.

The last three years has not been all fun, there's been a lot of hard times, and scary times, but it has also made me realize all that I have. A beautiful, loving wife, good friends, and a great family. We have had the opportunity to travel to some fantastic places like Tucson, AZ, Key Largo, FL, Alaska and Israel. And for our 15th anniversary, next week we'll be in Nassau, Bahamas. It's been a great life, and I am always thankful that I have been given more time to appreciate it. I just pray that I have many more years, especially since we'll be getting our new Harley in a couple of months. :-)


1 comment:

  1. I bet you never knew how many friends you havd!! And we're all praying hard for you, thinking of you often and rejoicing in your progress.

