Thursday, January 18, 2007


Well, I had my CT Scan done this morning. Drank the gallon (at least it seemed like a gallon) of the contrast, got my scan and they finally let me go.

I thought I wouldn't get the results until tomorrow, but my oncologist called me today abour 5 PM. Because of the rise in tumor markers, at first I started to panic. Then he said, "I just got the report, and there was no significant change." I said, "Whew, thank you!!" He replied, "I thought you might like to know." I said, "Yes I did, thank you very much."

So, that was the good news. And I was able to breathe again.

For those who have never seen a CT scan report, here are some of the more interesting comments:

-- Evaluation of the supraclavicular and axillary regions reveal no evidence of lymphadenopathy.

OK, I have no idea what that means, but I guess it's a good thing.

Here's the last two comments:

-- Healing left posterior rib fracture (I never even knew I had a rib fracture.)

-- Comparison was made with with a previous examination of July 28th, 2006. There has been no significant interval change. (That was the best part).

So, with that good scan, I'm not going to worry to much about the rise in my tumor markers and just wait to see what the next round of tumor marker test show.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayersl. I never take any of them for granted.



  1. Wow, Kevin, the Most High is looking after you!! I am so pleased. Yes, I do understand the medical terminology. It's a bit of an interest of mine (weird). Apparently people break ribs all the time and have no idea! Someone must have given you a huge hug.

  2. Kevin:

    AWESOME news!! Congrats!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Glad all is still going well for you Kevin.

    I have my first post surgery/chemo blood test in a couple of weeks

