Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Six Weeks Post Op

Just a quick update to let everyone know what is going on.

Today is 6 weeks since my surgery. The scar is healing well, but still a little tight. My main problem continues to be waiting for my intestines to start working properly. Some days are better than others, but I still have to make a few more trips to the bathroom than I would like. Unfortunately, this seems to be normal. Others that I have heard from that had ileostomies reversed said it usually takes 2 -3 months for the colon to start doing what it is supposed to do. So I continue to wait....

On another note, I am in the process of finding out how to go about starting a Cancer Support Group at Time Inc. I am not sure how it will all pan out, but I have contacted someone in the Medical Dept of HR and she seems to think it is a great idea. We will probably be meeting this week to discuss it. I also think it is a great idea and hope it works out. As things proceed, I'll keep you posted.

That's all for now,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevin,

    Glad you're seeing steady progress!
    Look forward to hearing you speak in a few days.

