Tuesday, October 14, 2003

What Happened?

How did Kevin end up in the hospital?

On Wed., 10/8/03, Kevin was working in CT. It being a beautiful day, he took his bike for a little joy ride at lunch time. That's when the stabbing pains in his abdomen started. Thankfully, he and the Harley made it back to work okay where he took some Mylanta, which turned out not to help.

He continued to feel so bad that he left the Harley in CT (that's BAD!) and took the train home from work early.

I got the Gas-Ex out and went to run some errands and go to a meeting at our synagogue, thinking that the Gas-Ex and some rest would do the trick. At 7:45 i go a call from Kevin on my cell phone saying that he was going to the emergency room, he felt so bad -- doubled over with pain. I left immediately and met him there (word of advice, if you ever have the option, DON't go to a city hospital ER--they are understaffed and their specialties are more along the lines of shootings, stabbings...)

After about 2 hours in the ER, they determined that he had an intestinal blockage and put a tube through his nose to his stomach to suction out gas and fluids. That helped the horrible stomach pains, and created really bad throat pain and irritation, which no amount of the morphine they gave him seemed to relieve. Finally, after 11 hours in the ER (and no sleep), we saw the surgeon who looked at the CAT scans they had managed to finally take at 4:00 a.m. He informed us the blockage was caused by a large mass. They didn't know what the mass was, and wanted to admit him.

I wasn't comfortable with admitting him to Metropolitan, the hospital that is the closest to our new apt. (Oh yeah, we moved on 9/28. New address below). I called our family Dr. who said he should NOT be admitted there and made arrangements for him to go to Roosevelt Hospital.
When he arrived by ambulance, he was met by 5 doctors who immediately set about finding
what was wrong. He was soon admitted and shortly taken to surgery. There was
a rush to get Kevin into surgery, because there was strong indication of
internal bleeding.

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