Thursday, March 31, 2005

Blood Test Result - Good News!!

Well, when I got to work this morning there was a message on my voicemail from my oncologist's office. The good news was that the tumor markers went DOWN!! It was 2.7, down from 3.1 from the last test. It is still a tad high (the safe zone is 0 - 2.5), but the fact that it went down is good news. Roni and I were finally able to breathe again. :-)

The other good news is that I finally got my bike out of storage. I picked it up yesterday from a friends garage and took it for about a 30 mile ride before taking it to the dealer for some work. The only bad news is that when I called today it wasn't ready. So I have to call back tomorrow. It should be ready to be picked up after work, and then we'll have the bike back, ready for more adventures.

Thanks to all for your prayers and concerns. I can't tell you how much Roni and I appreciate all of you.

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